Free Interpreting Service application for non-government organisations (NGOs)

The Free Interpreting Service aims to provide equitable access to key services for people with limited or no English proficiency. TIS National delivers the Free Interpreting Service on behalf of the Australian Government.

Free Interpreting Service application for Non-Government Organisations


Non-government organisations (NGOs) can use the Free Interpreting Service to provide approved casework or emergency services that are essential to economic or social participation. This includes services that manage issues arising from health conditions, housing, employment, personal or family safety, and financial crisis.

NGOs are eligible to access the Free Interpreting Service if they are:

  • a not for profit, non-government and community based organisation
  • delivering services to anyone in Australia who is eligible for Medicare
  • providing approved casework or emergency services
  • not receiving substantial government funding for the delivery of the service (organisations delivering government funded services should discuss access to interpreters with their government funding body).

More detailed information on eligibility can be found here.

Medical practitioners, pharmacies and pharmacists, real estate agencies, trade unions, local government agencies and parliamentarians are also eligible for the Free Interpreting service and should register using the client registration form.

Note: If you are applying for funded interpreting Services under a Commonwealth Government program, please register for a TIS National account here.  When registering, select the category Commonwealth and ensure you include the name of the Commonwealth program in the section name field. Our Client Engagement team will review your registration and advise if you have been approved.

To establish whether your organization is already registered with TIS National or for information on how to access funded interpreting services please contact TIS National on 1300 655 820 or email

Eligible NGOs can apply for access to the Free Interpreting Service below.

To enable us to assess your application as quickly as possible, please provide as much complete and accurate information as possible. TIS National will contact you to advise you of the outcome of your application as soon as possible.

Apply here