Why should non-government organisations engage an interpreter?
Non-government organisations can engage a credentialed interpreter to communicate with people who have limited English language proficiency in their preferred language. This helps establish strong relationships and ensures clear communication, particularly when conveying complex information.
Services available to eligible non-government organisations
Non-government organisations can use the Free Interpreting Service to access interpreting services delivered by TIS National, including:
- immediate phone interpreting
- Automated Telephone Interpreting Service (ATIS)
- pre-booked phone interpreting
- on-site interpreting
- video remote interpreting.
Non-government organisations are eligible to access the Free Interpreting Service if they meet all four criteria:
- a not for profit, non-government and community based organisation
- delivering services to anyone in Australia who is eligible for Medicare
- providing approved casework or emergency services (see below)
- not receiving substantial government funding for the delivery of the service.
The Free Interpreting Service can be used for providing the following approved casework or emergency services that are essential to economic or social participation.
These services may include, but are not limited to:
- Information, referral, support and advice, including for people with chronic disease, acute health conditions or a disability.
- Services that facilitate community engagement, including referral services to third party agencies, mentoring programs and respite care.
- Crisis intervention services, including domestic violence, homelessness, unemployment, severe financial difficulties and legal matters.
The Free Interpreting Service cannot be used by non-government organisations for:
- government funded services (organisations delivering government funded services should discuss access to interpreters with their government funding body)
- clinical medical services (see ‘private medical practitioners category’)
- recreational activities or programs
- political and media advocacy or lobbying
- vocational training
- immigration advice
- child care services.
Applying for the Free Interpreting Service
If you are a non-government organisation and want to apply for the Free Interpreting Service, visit the page Before you apply - Non-government organisations.
The FIS team will assess your eligibility and notify you of the outcome. A Free Interpreting Service account will be set-up for approved applicants.
More information
- Read: about the Free Interpreting Service: tisnational.gov.au/FIS
- Order: free promotional materials from the online TIS National catalogue: tisnational.gov.au/promomaterials
- Contact: Free Interpreting Service team on 1300 575 847 or tis.freeinterpreting@homeaffairs.gov.au
Immediate interpreting service: 131 450
Download the PDF version of the Free Interpreting Service - non-government organisations information sheet
Download the DOC version of the Free Interpreting Service - non-government organisations information sheet