Interpreter travel in agency client vehicles

There are limited circumstances where an interpreter may travel in the vehicle of an agency client. If you are booking an interpreter and expect they may travel with you, it’s important to understand when this is permissible and how to notify TIS National. 

Interpreter travel in agency client vehicles

Interpreter travel in agency client vehicles

TIS National prefers that interpreters do not travel in a vehicle with the TIS National client if alternative options are available. The interpreter may travel in client vehicles in exceptional circumstances where:

  • the non-English speaker (NES) is also travelling in the vehicle 

  • it is likely that the NES will require interpreting services during the journey, and

  • there are no other practical or appropriate options (such as the interpreter using their own car or taking public transport).

Wherever possible, clients must provide advance notice of any requirement for an interpreter to travel in their vehicle during a job. This can be noted in the ‘Additional requirements’ section of the booking form in TIS Online

In order for TIS National to approve a request for an interpreter to travel in a client’s car, the client must first submit a completed declaration form, available from the Service Delivery team. The client is responsible for providing safe travelling arrangements for the interpreter in accordance with this declaration. 

Occasionally, a client may need to make a request for an interpreter to travel in their vehicle only once they have arrived at the initial site location. In these circumstances, the client must telephone the Service Delivery team to seek verbal approval prior to undertaking the proposed travel.