TIS National is the language service provider in the Department of Home Affairs. The Global Feedback Unit (GFU) is the central point for receiving all departmental feedback, including services provided by TIS National.
In TIS National, we value feedback from our clients, as it helps us to improve our work and enhances the quality of interpreting services that we deliver to government, business and communities, through the provision of credentialed, cost-effective and secure language services.
TIS National endeavours to provide a high quality of service to all our clients and values feedback for continuous improvement of our services.
You can provide feedback by completing the Department of Home Affairs’ Compliments, complaints and suggestions form.
If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please mention this in the form.
Please note there is currently a delay in responding to feedback. We will respond as quickly as we can. We will only contact you about your feedback if you have indicated that you would like a response from TIS National.
Feedback information for non-English speakers
Your feedback is important and helps us to improve our service.
TIS National clients with limited or no English proficiency can submit feedback about TIS National services online or via phone. To give feedback online, please access the Department’s Compliments, complaints and suggestions.
If you require an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450 and tell the operator you would like to give feedback about TIS National. Our operators will document your feedback and refer it to the relevant team in TIS National for action.